Free Records, Poser! is 10 years old this summer, and it's time we put some of the old recordings out there on the internet to comemorate 10 years of unproductive pipe dreams.

Granted, the ten years have not been entirely eventless. Back in 1999, when me (gird_09) and Vidkun Qristus founded FrP it was meant as a faux lable to put out our Kultur Terror (KuTe) records. At the time our ambitions ran high, and FrP was to be a part of KULTUR. KULTUR in turn was our version of NSK, sort of. We tried recruiting other members, and at some point there were six of us, involved in different projects, musical and otherwise. FrP however never took off.

There was the original KuTe-demo, my various projects (Z-19, Japanese Whore and Jenna Flechette, now collectively known as Gird_09) and a strange remix project by T.Kulberg of Atropine/Epilektrician fame. All this was "published" via FrP! at some time or a another using different media.

Free Records, Poser! was also very much a part of our anarchic anti-establishment ideology. We had a basic thought that we would adopt the different symbologies of authoritarian movements that we opposed, mix them together and somehow display them for what they was. FrP is also short for Fremskrittspartiet - a right wing/racist/objectivist/islamophobe political party in Norway.
The FrP! logo is itself a recolored version of their logo, with a big bite added to it. (The color however is a stab at some other entity, who also used a green apple to put out music...)

Anway, it's been ten years. It's time to let the music do the talking.

Love is the Law.
Love under Will.
There is no law but do as thou wilt.


Cthulberg said...

Are you going to post the Epi reworking?

Thule said...

I intend to post it as soon as I get around to it. :)
Not sure when.

t3kton said...


Check out my free trilogy based on Liber Legis at gothick.co.uk/?page_id=38

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